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Urban planning simulation

Housing, Health & Equity Partnership Plan


Colorado Housing & Finance Authority


Action Plan 


Denver, CO

Project Status 



Affordable Housing 

The Project 

The Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) is creating a Housing, Health and Equity Partnership Plan to develop innovative partnerships between affordable housing developers and health care systems to expand affordable housing development and preservation, in response to growing evidence that housing stability can improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.  The Plan will provide financial modeling for prototype projects and serve as a roadmap for affordable housing development that results in improved health and equity outcomes for Coloradans.

Our Role 

Equity Policy Solutions is serving as Project Manager and Principal-in-Charge for the Plan and partnering with Cascadia Partners.  We will conduct demographic and background research and analysis, design a stakeholder engagement plan with multi-sectoral partners,  identify social, racial and health equity goals that the Plan can impact, and develop a Plan with replicable models for the creation and preservation of affordable housing designed to promote equity for residents and the greater community.

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